Supplementary Products and Services Available From NETWORK ARCHITECHS


As an independent company, NETWORK ARCHITECHS has access to most of the major networking vendors and carriers, and is free to choose whatever solution best fits your needs.

AT&T typically comprises the core of our networking solutions for the reasons described in About AT&T. However, as broad as the AT&T product offering is, there are times we need to supplement their services with those of other industry leaders.

Examples include:

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Voice-over-IP (VoIP)
While AT&T has some excellent VoIP solutions, your needs may call for alternatives. We make sure you get the best solution for each requirement:
• Cloud-hosted vs. Premise-based
• AVPN/MPLS vs. Internet transport
• Class-of-service (CoS) prioritization over VLAN and WAN
• Mobility integration
• Rent vs. purchase
• Uniform calling plan
• Free long distance
• Dramatic cost savings versus traditional POTS

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UCaaS for integrated customer & internal communications (your virtual unified “Contact Center”)
As system engineers we provide and coordinate all of the components needed to make UCaaS (Unified Communications as a Service) work for you:
• A reliable, high-speed infrastructure
• The security to protect your cloud-hosted data
• Integration of your sales and service communications from various departments so that your customers experience a unified response no matter how they reach out to you:
— Telephone
— Email
— Social media
— Chat lines
— Website
— And more
• All with the cost savings, central management, adaptability, and instant scalability of a virtualized data center

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The Internet of Things (IoT) tailored to streamline and grow your business
We bring together all the elements you need to fully benefit from the IoT revolution:
• Diverse connectivity options, from global coverage to special new low-power, wide-area (LTE-M) signaling for deep penetration and long battery life:
— Cellular
— Satellite
— Wireline
— Wireless
• Management and security platforms
— Global monitoring and control capabilities
— Multi-layered, end-to-end security
— Vulnerability analysis
• Vertical applications
— Manufacturing, finance, retail, healthcare, transportation & logistics, and more
— Asset tracking and management customized for every industry

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Local Area Networks (LANs)
This is a common area in which we supplement AT&T since their focus is wide area networking (WANs). By having NETWORK ARCHITECHS engineer and/or supply the following LAN components, you are ensured of compatibility with your WAN and optimum performance to the desktop:
• Managed Ethernet switches
Your investment in switches that incorporate sophisticated functions such as remote management, cabling diagnosis, VLANs, POE, fiber optic compatibility, and traffic analysis can pay for themselves time and again by enabling speedier troubleshooting, faster throughput, and reduced WAN costs with smaller access ports.
• High speed cabling
We can determine the best mix of fiber optic and twisted pair cabling, provide the combination of parts and pre-terminated assemblies that suits your application, and either arrange contract labor or train your own people to perform the installation so they can perform your future moves, adds, and changes in-house.
• Security
We can engineer security system sensors, cameras, monitors, and controls which properly integrate with your data LAN.
• Custom connections
We can help you incorporate the expanding world of Internet of Things, such as custom supplier vending machines and cost-saving power controls, to ensure the required compatibility and access while protecting your security.

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Wide Area Networks (WANs)
While AT&T VPN, mobility, and Internet access solutions provide the best managed and integrated inter-location connections in most cases, there are times you need a niche product or service. Examples include:
• Wireless links
When you have facilities that are within a few miles of one another, you may be able to use rooftop antennas for a high speed radio link with a one-time cost that gives you a very fast payback versus a monthly recurring carrier cost for a slower speed connection.
• Legacy requirements
Older serial equipment is very bandwidth efficient and may continue to serve you well, such as rural locations where fiber is not yet available. We can help you integrate such equipment and transition to newer solutions when the time is right. More details at our legacy websiite:

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Monitoring 24x7x365
We can arrange optional full-time monitoring of your mission-critical components, from WAN carrier links to Point-of-Sale terminals.

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Paging systems
• We know how to engineer paging systems for the most demanding requirements, such as factory environments in which the ambient noise level varies greatly from the factory floor to remote warehouse storage areas to small reverberant office areas. We use specialized test equipment and engineering formulas to determine amplifier size, speaker quantity and placement, power taps, wire gauge, and zone controls.
• We also know how to integrate your paging system with your phone system and LAN layout.

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Website and App design
We work with one of the world’s top designers, a $50M powerhouse, to coordinate their service with your WAN/LAN/mobility hardware and carrier services to ensure optimum compatibility.

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Documentation and training
• We can conduct on-site or screen-share webinars on hot topics such as SD-WAN and DDoS or on other subjects of interest to you; make the most of our years of experience and let us know what you want to learn more about.
• We can document your system for users and administrators, and train them to perform ongoing operation and maintenance.

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Business analysis and strategy
Let us help you with the high level planning too, from short term budgeting to a 5-year IT expenditure plan.